Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Petty monde

Just as people come and go. Leaving joys and aches as memories. Some will decide to return, some will probably not. Either situation, we are just glad, in our own ways, they came -- be it a friend, just an acquaintance, a mere enemy, your best buddy, special someone or a spontaneous lover. They shared a chapter in your life.

One of my cherished person did returned. Honestly, I was surprised that things will still be the same as before with us. Probably because we haven't became strangers with each other. She was my partner in crimes. The sad thing was I was still left in awe that history will repeat itself leaving me not caring for the present feelings. I was left at the past. There was no time to heal. It just got me with my emotions. I was blinded with the aches and left her emotions unguarded. Yes we became an item. But did that been enough to remind me that we are at present. Well probably yes and probably not. Yes, I am happy for the new memories. But not as the foundation had been weak. We hurried for the moment not realizing its still not it.

And that made us realize this will not work. That could be not anymore. I just don't know what the future awaits me. But if its still her that I'll sought for, even 10 years from now and if she is still open for it. Then probably we could start again. But if not, life must go on ... for me.

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