Thursday, March 24, 2011

Let me fall head over heels.

You're becoming a routine.  You have become my routine.  You keep me welcome with your presence.  You make me smile with simple things.  Make me laugh with our funny stories.  You make me comfortable to talk about uncomfortable stuff.  I'm starting to think about you more often than I should.  I'm starting to wait for you go online when I'm online. 

I think about you every night I go to sleep.  I imagine you're here with me. With one arms around me and your legs touching me.  Then you kiss me on my neck and we fall asleep like that.  It helps me sleep. 

I'm starting to like you.    

There are just thoughts that keeps me with my previous decision.  I'm still in limbo if to pursue or not, but obviously I'm siding with the former.  

And at this time, you're asleep in front of me, though different time different place.  Hope this will make you smile when you get this. 

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