Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm sad. :'( i feel like crying. Not just with this hair, but the whole collective thingy of what i'm presently in.  Its one of the dumbest idea but hell, unhappy thoughts came hand in hand together today. pfft. I can't think good things to cheer me up.  I tried but it didn't meant anything. Dumb. Me. I wanna go out. Just don't wanna do it alone. :/ i tried asking my friend to go out somewhere, but he's with gf today, so that means it'll be the 3 of us if then. pfft. not that i don't like the girl, but i can't just say can me and dexie be alone for a while.  naahh.
I just then really realized, its totally different him having a girlfriend.  I miss the old times.  Then I miss having someone I can call and just do talk and dates somewhere. 

Impulsivity do forms regrets

Early start for a morning, I feel regrets from yesterday.  Its not really of a big deal but this totally threw my day out the trash.

Bum life can make you plan out of the ordinary stuff.  Well, maybe it may be of your usual stuff but impulsively thought of.  I planned to trim my bangs a bit, still deciding on what kind wanting a bit different look.  Opting for a full bangs for it'll be better with the shape of my face.  But then, still thinking twice with it, I absentmindedly decided to shorten the body of my hair first.  My present 'do formed a V with the longest strands trailed down near my bottom.  I planned on having the same style but up my bra line.  I trim it there but then thought seems like none of a difference.  Cut a bit again.  I did seem to enjoy the trimming 'til I reached above my nip line.  I find it okay at that time.  As I continued to cut the final layer and be able to see the whole thing, emotions came rushing in.  I don't want this! I looked at the stash of hair, men I cut it long! :( I've got worries.  I miss my long hair.  I feel like I regretted it, I should not have done it. With this big thing in mind, I totally forgot to cut my bangs.  Clouds of  thought formed a bout on my relentless mind.  It started to sink in. 

Well I can't do anything 'bout it now.  Just have to get accustomed with this. pfft.  Now I'm planning to have it rebonded but I can't. arggghh Don't have the resources to pay for it.  Got braces to pay for and some future expenses. bad vibes coming in!

with my long hair

with the new haircut

Still early and I'm already feeling shitty. amft!

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