Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Glimpse of Kuala Lumpur

We got to spent 2 days in Kuala Lumpur before heading to our next destination.  


When in a new place, explore.

We got the last flight bound for Kuala Lumpur.  Bring a jacket or blanket and catch some sleep up in the air.  It can be very cold inside the plane.  With an eye mask, try to sleep on most of the flight; it may give you more than 3 hour sleep, if you’re lucky. 

Arrived at KLIA 2 past midnight the next day.  There’s a tourist kiosk at the arrival area which you can get a tourist map.  Explored the KLIA2 a bit, I was having a hyperacidity.  So much for a new place.  Was able to buy some gaviscon at the convenience store, and the pain subsided mid-morning L.  There are wash rooms where you can freshen up in the upper floors.  We stayed at McDonalds for very early breakfast, to kill time, to snooze a bit and to kill my stomach ache.  There are also Starbucks and other coffee shops on the upper floors.  Mobile shops are at the area after arrival, we contemplated on buying a local sim card for our net access.  Decided on not getting one, we’ll be here for 2 days only.

(Our lack-of-sleep-but-hello-new-exciting-place face)

Around past 4 in the morning, we went to ticketing booth of KLIA Express to inquire, it was a bit expensive contrary to the ones posted online.  We were on a tight itinerary, we will need to be in KL Sentral before 5:30am to catch the first train bound to Batu Caves cause we need to get back early also for Genting Highlands.  It would take around 30 minutes for the train to take us to KL Sentral.  It will be an hour if we will take the bus.  Well, since we are following a comfortable monetary plan for this trip and this train will just be a half an hour difference versus the difference on ticket fare of around RM40.  We went down to the ticket booth area for buses and the price is just RM10.  Bought tickets and rode the bus, which left the airport in a few minutes.  The holy sleep caught on us and we’re able to doze off.   Took only less an hour to KL Sentral, probably since it was still early so no traffic yet.  Right decision on that! 

Located the bag lockers at the far side of ground floor of KL Sentral past the convenience stores.  Since we are travelling light, we only brought 1 backpack each and both fitted on a small locker.  We had our RM5 converted to a token, then chose one locker to store our bags.  1 token for the small locker.  Even took a photo to be sure. J
(size small which can fit 1-2 small to medium sized backpacks.  Our 2 backpacks fit on it, we carried our smaller day bags.)

Going to Batu Caves, we bought tickets at the ground floor on the left side when facing the lockers.  We were able to catch the train with around 10-minute waiting.  The KTM Komuter goes until the Batu Caves as the last station now.  We alight at the Batu station where the Batu Caves is just few steps away.  There is a gated entrance which opens early. 

The feeling of early morning mist, wandering feet, new world to see, learn a new culture, expound that history, chance to get lost, disappointment on your expectations, discovering more than what you imagined – ideas that rushed to a traveler’s mind as you enter that gate.  Marks the start of our trip!

There are Hindu temples on the left side as we passed the gate.  One may go up the temple after he leaves his shoes at the stairs.  The Murugan statue, the big statue replica of their lord Murugan is situated at the entrance of the tiresome 272 steps going up to the caves where a shrine used for Hindu mass is located.  All this I may have seen if I went up those stairs! Was few steps up already when not able to go down because of those small steps crossed my mind L.   The fear of not being able to hold on a railing going down and steps just fits your shoes made me go back to the ground.  Just wandered around the open field with flock of pigeons just like how my mind wandered if I dare to go up that cardiac stress test flight of stairs again. L.  But still I didn’t.

Next stop, Genting highlands.  We rode back to KL Sentral still via KTM Komuter.  Checked out the food chains within KL Sentral for our 2nd breakfast and early lunch = brunch.  Subway sandwich meal it is.  Planned to eat it on the bus going to the Skyway cable cars.  We were able to secure bus tickets for the 9:00am schedule.  Just had to wait for a few minutes 9am, yep we’re lucky.  Minutes after we bought our tickets, tourists going to Genting flocked the booth.  A limit of one bus per hour (roughly 30-40 seats) so better buy tickets earlier.  Signs of eating is not allowed onboard is seen near our seats, so much for our planned lunch during the ride.  Anyway, took some power nap for some energy fuel, looong day ahead.   Arrived at the basement 4 of Skyway, the cable cars were located at 3rd floor accessible via elevator or if you’re okay with stairs.  Tried cable cars for the first time and I became a scaredy-cat.  Well not to burst your bubbles on that idea, it was a great experience. It’s just that I sat at the back of the gondola facing the back view.  Genting Highlands is situated around 1,740 meters (accdg. to Wikipedia) above sea level.  So there are drastic pull up while getting near the Highlands, which makes you experience like riding a roller coaster going on top of a loop.  Plus several factors like winds blowing causing the gondola to sway and when I say sway, its from side to side while the cable car is going up and a bit of fog like clouds roaming around, yeah not a big deal.  Can’t really make a fuss about it J, there were old Chinese people with us and they we’re very quiet like it’s no big deal. pfft.   

So we are still carrying our brunch, in a plastic inside our day bags.  Found some kiosk selling good smoothies, bought drinks so we have a reason to stay at their tables.  Just some quick lunch. 

Toured around Resorts World, there was also a gallery area where a guide will tell you a bit of the history of how the Genting resorts world became as it is now.  It was actually the first resorts world owned by a poor Chinese who migrated to Malaysia.  It became a conglomerate and owned the chains of Resorts World including the one in Singapore, and even here in Manila.  Too bad the amusement park is under renovation for expansion, it would have been squeezed in on our itinerary.  Went out of the building for a walk, we were greeted with fog.  Wearing cardigans or jackets made it bearable to stroll around, the height of the area plus the month of the year – brrrr. 

Since we were not sure for the time we’ll have at the area, we didn’t bought tickets back to KL Sentral.  Here’s a tip: please buy one early or if you can buy roundtrip tickets, the better.  It was just few minutes after 12noon and the available bus schedule going back to KL is around 4pm.  We checked for the other areas near Bukit Bintang (where our accommodation is), still around 4pm onwards.  Good thing I have studied their map way before our trip, I remember reading one of the blogs that one of the nearest MRT is Gombak.  Tried our luck, and the earliest bus to that area is around 2pm.  Bought tickets, and waited for the bus at Basement 4.  We were able to go back to KL Sentral and picked up our bags at the locker around 3:00pm which will incur us to check in late on our hotel accommodation.  Finding MyHotel was a bit hard, probably because we didn’t knew directions like when they told us to just follow the road straight means crossing the highway to continue to the other side, we just thought they didn’t know really where it is.  We kept on walking to up to the wrong side with our backpacks and our dead tired feet screaming stop L.   

Was able to check in after those glitches, finally. lol  There are abundant hotels, hostels or backpacker inns around Bukit Bintang.  Or if you can splurge a bit, check for hotels within KLCC, it's very near to their business district, malls, many tourist spots for your convenience.   

We splurge a bit on food, we were not able to eat at the famous Jalan Alor food strip even though it’s a few walks from the hotel and the prices can be very affordable.  Let’s just say, we didn’t want to gamble with our stomach.  We’re giving the food in the local restaurants thumbs up though.  

Flavorful noodles with Hainanese chicken:


Waking up when you’re away from home

Can’t remember any waking-up-in-the-middle-of the-night stint.  Slept straight to early morning.  We got ready at around 6 in the morning and went out for brekky at the nearby KFC.  It was still dim outside.  It’s like Pinas mornings during cold months.  I think sunrise is usually past 7 in the morning.  We were able to ride the Go KL bound to KLCC, this is a free bus ride with the routes within the city and most stops on their tourist spots.  The bus has wifi with really good connection.  We arrived at the lower ground of Suria, to line up for the Petronas skybridge tickets.  There are just few people ahead of us and we’re lucky to get the first batch at 9:00 am.  DSLR camera and it’s accessories are not allowed, including my GoPro camera. L Surrendered it at the package counter before we went up.  First stop, the skybridge at 82nd floor.  This is a two level bridge that connects the twin tower.  The upper part is usually used by the employees and the lower level where we were, for tourists.  We proceeded to 84th level, where the highest point a tourist can access.  One bucket list item ticked off! Yeah!
(View from Petronas Skybridge.)

After some minimal walking tour around KLCC, we rode back to Berjaya Times Square to buy tickets bound to Singapore later tonight.  This is our last day in Kuala Lumpur so they day is jampacked.  Mostly with walking tour.  There were still lots of interesting places to go to but since the limited time, we stick with main attractions at Kuala Lumpur. 

Via the Go KL bus again, our next destination was the Central Market to complete our souvenirs and stuffs to buy from Malaysia.  Already started our walking tour when we were “shopping” and continued to Merdeka Square.  Some nice buildings and structure … There is a gallery called KL Gallery mainly for KL’s history.  Also the entrance fee is worthy because it is consumable with a free drink from Arch Café inside.  Perfect for something to chill on while it is starting to get hot outside.  If there is a slow walkathon, touring here can be considered as one.  Got some blisters around my toes after this tour.  We decided for a bus ride when I can merely walk and we are getting lost.  What we did is go back to KLCC, then rode the Go KL bound to Bukit Bintang.  Freshen up a bit and checked out of the hotel.  We managed to ask if we could leave our backpacks for a couple of hours while we continue our tour. 

Went back to Suria Mall, as start of our ever mall hopping.  We frequently do this on tour.  Though we really not have shop around, just want to walk around and feel their environment.  Walking inside a mall can be relaxing after those tedious ‘amazing race’ tour.   Went to Pavillion Mall next via the Go KL which we later found that this is a bit close to our hotel, liked this better cause of their alfresco-like restaurants and relaxed mode feel when you enter the mall.  Walked our way then to the chains of mall strips to Bukit Bintang up to the lower end malls than the first two.  Was actually looking for a good pair of kicks for me, saw the Adidas Original store at Suria Mall and found out that their prices where a few thousand cheaper than from our local malls.  Though luck, out of the few stores from these malls, they only have men’s shoes and a few ones for girls which I didn’t found something I like.  

We planned where to kill time while waiting for the night bus, then went back to the hotel to pick up our bags.  The Starbucks at the front of the BTS mall closes late, perfect for this waiting game. 

The bus bound to Singapore is conducive for sleeping, just have your jacket and eye mask ready for battle.  Time for sleep – at the bus! Goodnight.

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