Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I've known something through ways I couldn't tell.  Its not a good way.  So I just kept quiet.  Its about how you didn't love me the way you should, the way you talked about it.  Could it be you've just said it to lighten the burden with the situation you're into at that time. At least you should have stood up for me well.  You could have made me proud of you then.  But that didn't happened.  I then just realized it.  I really doubted you more.  

You asked me what's wrong.  If I tell you, would you help me with it.  When it is you that's wrong. Most of the things about you now is doubtful.  I cannot even tell if its true or just a facade.  Is it just a phase that you 'love' me now.  

Then I told you what's inside.  Nothing happens.  Is it the sign that history is repeating itself for the nth time? That you again want it to come from me, then you could proceed to that grimy deed again.  Pick up some bimbos and join the ride.  Leave me like a helpless damsel, retrieving my pieces you've smashed behind.  Well let me tell you now,  I've been better since then.  You've changed me, you know.  This would be just like a walk in the park, easily done.

I 'm happy being with you but its lacking something ~~ trust.  I am having the feeling again.  The least emotion I ever wanted to feel again.  It is with your new found friend.  I dunno, but it gives me a different aura between the two of you now.  Just make sure you are true this time and make my hunches wrong.  Because if not, you'll regret it long enough.

You hurt me once... shame on you. You hurt me twice... shame on me
for the third time? for the nth time? shameless me?
I'm having a hard time.  I hate it :( Give assurance for that truthful feeling. ...

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