Sunday, December 20, 2009

Moving moving

Someday after you have moved on, you'll suddenly miss that person whom you've fallen for once...  Not because you still like him/her...  But because you were once good friends and everything was just fine before it came to a point were everything has changed. 

~~from an anonymous philosophical rejected person.lolz

Run your life to prepare for your walk to eternity

I’m on my first quarter of my life.  I can say that I’m just starting my journey, fulfilling my very own destiny.  Life is too short, live it to the fullest as had been said.   But how should one live this to its fullest? mmm ... that would fill to many words but I guess that  it is to live with morality and abide by the laws and fulfill one of God's mission for you ~~ save a soul back to Christianity, too deep indeed.

I am already two decades and three more years breathing the air of the earth.  Within the norms of the abiding citizens, I can now assume the independent role of an adult.  I can say that I could start now what I really want in life, though I had as I took a step into my college life.  I am already a Nurse by the knowledge and skills I acquired from school.  I could pursue that to live comfortably in my future.  After I graduated in college, future plans were laid, destination countries were targeted, prospect kind of work inline with the nursing career were aspired.  My ideal future would be living in the States, owning a house and having stable job and business aside that I could be sharing with my very special half of my heart.  I wouldn't name names so as not to bog this mere article in the future but I know, you my present, is the one I want to draw my future with :). Still too early to tell but with the motivation I am having, who knows, we might be sharing the same bed in that future and not just peeking through our cams to see each other sleep. lolz. 

For most people, it seems very long especially for the young ones.  They're in a hurry to grow up, not realizing that childhood is so great and every adult wants to come back at being a child, free of problems and full of innocence.  Well I'm one of those wishing that I could be just a child again haha.  Before, life is so long for me.  It was like childhood was long for me.  But now, all I can say is life is indeed short.  I'm now on my 1st quarter, soon I might not notice it, I might be getting on the 1st half of it.  Am I getting to where I wanted my life be? Mmm... I can say that I am gathering the ingredients to my recipe of life.  I am a Nurse, and now taking up a Management course that might be very useful tomorrow.  Preparing myself for an exam for a license that I'll badly need soon on my settling country.  I've got plans for prospect businesses. Molding my relationship with my special someone and training my whole aspect to maturity.  This life is so short, it's just like seconds in an eternity. So live happy and contented as much as you can.

Whatever you dream for your life, don't forget to get it in line with the good.  Prepare yourself for your walk to eternity.  Life is merely short, fix and live it simple but comprehensive.  And when you meet Him, you'll know you've been prepared and looking back will bring smile to you effortlessly.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

HATCHII is now in a relationship with JHAEZE :) ~~officially.


I love you calling me subject
Teasing me bruha
Calling me weirdie and saying I am really that ?? weirdo ba talaga ko ??
Letting me call her bakla eventhough she really doesn’t want to
Loves my Dulce
Mahilig magpacute sa cam haha
Kinakantahan ako :)
Makes crazy things for me haha!
Makes videos for me :)
Counts every adik, loko, sira, I tell to her haha
Watches me sleep
Talks to me before we go to sleep
Adjusts her timezone so we could do things together
Gives up her longday just to talk with me (though I don’t encourage ahh) its just sweet  thank u
Spends time with me
For the kilig moments
Tells me she misses me and really mean it
Opens her life with me
Knowing every details of me
Observant of my actions and my clumsiness haha
Dreams the future with me … hahah .. States ?
Because somehow she makes me feel secured
There are lots of things to look for within her
She always makes me smile
When I’m down I just think of her and it makes me smile
She loves my smile

And with every things I said … I want you to be part of my life … so I guess my answer to your question in mind is YES.  YES I want to be your girlfriend.  ~~December 08, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Hatchii

I've been happy for the few couple of weeks now. Not just with the normal things that makes me happy, I am as a whole a jolly person and I don't want to be that sad much unless I cannot really bear it. As had been said that for every closed door there'll be an open window, though it could also be a that better door will open for a better opportunity that'll come, I'm hopefully saying that its now happening to me. Guess my Christmas, would not be that cold and only reserved to my family and friends, but could also be warm for a wonderful special one that is spending time, effort, affection and happy and sad moments with me :).

Saying ILOVEU makes my spine shiver and my body weak again :). My inner me excites again. I feel goosebumps and happy when I blurt it out. Saying when you mean it means alot to me. And I'm happy that that word is reciprocated.

Though I am still single, I am happy with what I have with HER. The affection is returned and I know that she sort of feel the same way with me. I hope so haha. Loving this person entails me alot of compromises and challenges. Those that can form doubts inside me.

I am here in Pinas and she's in UK. I'm ahead of 8 hours in time, when its my time to wake up, then its her normal time of sleep. It's not all the time we're online, we do our daily lives outside too. Pricey mobile communication, no unli texts for international numbers *sigh*. We haven't seen each other personally, and it would take a long time for us to do that. It's not cheap to go back to Pinas. She's younger than me, my preference before is someone older ~~ so she could baby me haha.. and I had it before that older are more matured and will make me feel that I'm secured ~~ one thing that proves me wrong. :).

Whatever tomorrow brings, I guess we'll take it as a challenge and gift at the same time. :) God will test us, it will either make or break us. One thing is just sure. This kind of elate feeling makes me happy and contented ~~ and that is all that matters :).

I guess my single life will be placed a period very soon ...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Petty monde

Just as people come and go. Leaving joys and aches as memories. Some will decide to return, some will probably not. Either situation, we are just glad, in our own ways, they came -- be it a friend, just an acquaintance, a mere enemy, your best buddy, special someone or a spontaneous lover. They shared a chapter in your life.

One of my cherished person did returned. Honestly, I was surprised that things will still be the same as before with us. Probably because we haven't became strangers with each other. She was my partner in crimes. The sad thing was I was still left in awe that history will repeat itself leaving me not caring for the present feelings. I was left at the past. There was no time to heal. It just got me with my emotions. I was blinded with the aches and left her emotions unguarded. Yes we became an item. But did that been enough to remind me that we are at present. Well probably yes and probably not. Yes, I am happy for the new memories. But not as the foundation had been weak. We hurried for the moment not realizing its still not it.

And that made us realize this will not work. That could be not anymore. I just don't know what the future awaits me. But if its still her that I'll sought for, even 10 years from now and if she is still open for it. Then probably we could start again. But if not, life must go on ... for me.

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