Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy Hatchii

I've been happy for the few couple of weeks now. Not just with the normal things that makes me happy, I am as a whole a jolly person and I don't want to be that sad much unless I cannot really bear it. As had been said that for every closed door there'll be an open window, though it could also be a that better door will open for a better opportunity that'll come, I'm hopefully saying that its now happening to me. Guess my Christmas, would not be that cold and only reserved to my family and friends, but could also be warm for a wonderful special one that is spending time, effort, affection and happy and sad moments with me :).

Saying ILOVEU makes my spine shiver and my body weak again :). My inner me excites again. I feel goosebumps and happy when I blurt it out. Saying when you mean it means alot to me. And I'm happy that that word is reciprocated.

Though I am still single, I am happy with what I have with HER. The affection is returned and I know that she sort of feel the same way with me. I hope so haha. Loving this person entails me alot of compromises and challenges. Those that can form doubts inside me.

I am here in Pinas and she's in UK. I'm ahead of 8 hours in time, when its my time to wake up, then its her normal time of sleep. It's not all the time we're online, we do our daily lives outside too. Pricey mobile communication, no unli texts for international numbers *sigh*. We haven't seen each other personally, and it would take a long time for us to do that. It's not cheap to go back to Pinas. She's younger than me, my preference before is someone older ~~ so she could baby me haha.. and I had it before that older are more matured and will make me feel that I'm secured ~~ one thing that proves me wrong. :).

Whatever tomorrow brings, I guess we'll take it as a challenge and gift at the same time. :) God will test us, it will either make or break us. One thing is just sure. This kind of elate feeling makes me happy and contented ~~ and that is all that matters :).

I guess my single life will be placed a period very soon ...

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