Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I love you calling me subject
Teasing me bruha
Calling me weirdie and saying I am really that ?? weirdo ba talaga ko ??
Letting me call her bakla eventhough she really doesn’t want to
Loves my Dulce
Mahilig magpacute sa cam haha
Kinakantahan ako :)
Makes crazy things for me haha!
Makes videos for me :)
Counts every adik, loko, sira, I tell to her haha
Watches me sleep
Talks to me before we go to sleep
Adjusts her timezone so we could do things together
Gives up her longday just to talk with me (though I don’t encourage ahh) its just sweet  thank u
Spends time with me
For the kilig moments
Tells me she misses me and really mean it
Opens her life with me
Knowing every details of me
Observant of my actions and my clumsiness haha
Dreams the future with me … hahah .. States ?
Because somehow she makes me feel secured
There are lots of things to look for within her
She always makes me smile
When I’m down I just think of her and it makes me smile
She loves my smile

And with every things I said … I want you to be part of my life … so I guess my answer to your question in mind is YES.  YES I want to be your girlfriend.  ~~December 08, 2009

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