Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Comedy in school

Bloopers for the week ... again :)

We were a minute late for our first subject this day.  We are going there for the first time because I was at the hospital last time.  So off we entered the room.  Curious eyes were laid following us as we both walk up (its like a mini auditorium were the seats were in stair-like flatforms) toward the opposite end for vacant chairs.  As we sat, we noticed the professor were talking about science, ecology, microbio ... and duh what was he talking about?? were supposed to be in business class.  Then it struck us. My sister checked the reg form and viola! We're in the wrong class! hahaha ... it was like so hot that time.  Our class is held in different room during mondays and wednesdays.  We've went to the Monday room but its actually Wednesday.  That's why they are staring at us.  I guess they are a block section that is full and no way new students would be in. hahaha... we quietly again creep at the back and hurriedly exited the room. whew. So much for 1st day and now we're so late for our REAL class. haha.

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