Friday, June 18, 2010


My life would be so complete if I'll have a day sketching portrays, enjoying every seconds of it.  A simple dream yet fulfilling the inside of me.  I wonder.  Will sitting under a shade sketching every beauty you see would be as enticing as I perceive it? mmmm .... I feel elated. Help me thru it.

I have sketched a beauty. Though the subject looked better on my paper.  I have seen a charcoal based portray and sketched it with a plain pen.  I would have loved it better if I'll have the real tools. But oh well, guess I wasn't made for it. 

the title reminds me of a childhood toy.  my very own etch a sketch where i could make pictures of a house or scenery made of just combining lines through the gadget. its cool actually :)

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