Monday, June 14, 2010

RN x 3!

I am officially and proud to say I am an RN.   First, as a Registered Nurse here in Philippines. Second, as a Registered Nurse in US (although it is still on process for visascreen).  Then the last, just recently I branched out and entered a field I am not sure of. I took risk on a field far from my expertise.  My waterloo -- talking in front of other people.  But then, for the sake of taking risk to improve myself and gaining financial freedom (yeah!) I've set a foot in it.  For the third, I am now a Registered Networker!

For the latter, I can see results within a short span of time.  I am on the side of being optimistic with this.  Hope this will gain fruitful results to look for.

I gained a friend back and I am so happy with it. Its like I'm back to my old life though differently.  Still, I feel floating with a smile. :)

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