Sunday, January 24, 2010

little fingers

i miss sketching.  a bigger one.  i did some while i'm on the review or at school but they're just on the sides of my notebooks. mostly, the professors and lecturers while they speak out their blahs in front.

i'll do some real ones when i'm not busy.  mmm when i'm busy, when would that be? :) lolz. 

okay time out.. time for review! ... haha.


what if ?

When you're a child, dreaming is the best thing.  I wanna be this, I wanna be that.  When you grow a bit older, your perspective changes, I don't want this, I don't want that.  And when you step in where you are close to the stage of dream come true, you wouldn't notice it and would say, I want this instead.  Did my blah blah made something?? haha....

There are lots of things that I really want.  But definitely or probably, I won't be able to achieve. Lets just say they'll just stay at my subconscious forever and ever.  But it wouldn't hurt if I'll blurt them out. 

I want to be a painter.  ~~ I want to paint when I'm bored, stressed, happy, depress, sleepy, laughing, mad, hysterical ... give me a brush and let my mind drive the imagination I'm seeing mentally.

I want to be a NBI illustrator.
I want to be a graphic artist.  argghh... meet my limit and I'll burst drawing on my wall because of this haha

I want to write. ~~ Speak through my hand of my emotions.  I would opt to write articles, test how my creativity in writing would go. 

I want to learn a different language.  French or Spanish!
I want to teach in preschool for a while.  Test my patience with the angelic brats. :)

I want to drive my own car.  
I want to run a mile. 
I want to own a fascinating house.  
I want to be an executive of my own company.  Call me the boss! lolz. (its nice to dream)
I want to have a trip around the world within a year.
I want to relax my butt out on a white sand beach.  Of course together with my babe :)

I wanna wake up with the kiss of my hubby everyday.
I want to live my life to the fullest.
I want to help someone who truly deserve it.
I want to give scholarships to young children and see the smile in their faces.

I want to drive go-kart in full suit.
I want to dance and join a dance troupe. :)

alibi as ever

oh well, they say things happen in pairs ... but this happened the third time... and probably to the nth!

as usual ... one didn't showed up.  The nicer thing is, yours truly was informed.  For prosperity's sake of the bound closeness, its accepted.

I just wouldn't allow it to get on me.  Yours truly has find the peace she's after, though little by little it is still being achieved.  But the vague future is now being colored opaque.  Thank you, thank you.  I can now say to the intruder, I heart you :) 

~~ just some thoughts to let out ...

Hatchii's mind talking again.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

to tell ... or not to tell ...

should i ??
i can't say it here either ... argghhh ...
is this right ?? am i suppose to do this? am i doing something wrong? but come to think of it ... i'm not doing anything wrong ... it's just that, i'm not telling it to the one involve ... so ... hmmm... 

well, its not even sure ... the cause happened twice previously that didn't pursue because yours truly is not a priority so the means could not happen also ... and the result?

let's just see ... might as well tell it when over ...

to tell or not to tell ...

>> Hatchii 's mind, talking.


~~ the end does not justifies the means. ~~ 
 aiming for a good result but not caring whether gaining it in a bad way does not exclude it from being bad.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

opening doors to another opportunity

We had this fieldtrip at Tagaytay Highlands today.  The place was enormous.  I could live there! The facilities and amenities implies a whole city inside.  The environment is conducive for nature enthusiast and your eyes will feast with the superb landscapes.  We were exposed there for the Real Estate management that we are currently enrolled in. I've got some thinking done amidst the eyes-feasting scenery, I want to finish my Business and Operations Management course.  I was also motivated with our speaker, she is a medical doctor and at the same time a licensed real estate broker.  She had the passion with brokerage so she pursued it while still  active in the medical field.  A nice motivation indeed.  My mind ran several thoughts as per how will I continue my studies despite my future plans with my nursing career.  My priority at the moment is my NCLEX exam that I am bound to retake this May or June (I need to!).  So with that, I definitely won't be able to enroll for summer classes for management.  If our papers with the petition in Canada will arrive, I will go to Canada then.  I kept thinking how would I continue it.  I would want to graduate in the same alma mater.  I can compromise not finishing it next year but on the following year.  I had also thought of enrolling online subjects if only DLSU-D has it.  But I'm sure they don't cater it.  Does other DLSU branches has it? Well I really hope so.. And also if I can enroll with them though I'll be in Canada. :D I've thought about enrolling it in Canada, but then I'm sure a lot of my subjects will not be credited and I might start from scratch again.  Well, those were just thoughts.  Future may change :D. Might as well, give options for those change.

Business opportunities may not always come passing ... so grab them while they're nearby. 
They can give you fulfillment later on in life. :D

Sunday, January 17, 2010

For my year 2010

2010 is the year of the Tiger.  I was born on the year of the Tiger.  So in the simplest term, this is my year.  I am hoping that this will be a fruitful one for me. I am starting it with a busy life.  Hitting two birds with one stone, I just hope that I will hit it good for both.  Still pursuing my management study, I've enrolled classes only during mondays, wednesdays and fridays so I'll have only 3 days for school.  I am newly enrolled for NCLEX review program at Kaplan in Makati which I will attend for tuesdays, thursdays and saturdays.  This makes sunday as my only free day which I am sure will be engage to other activities and chores here at home.

I know that I should make priorities.  But what if I want everything that I do is a priority.  My school, review, family, and the sweetest person beside me :) plus the other chores that will keep me busy on my supposed to be dull days.  I'll need to compromise some of those, but somehow I know I'll manage it dutifully.  I don't want a failure with my studies and review. Also, I can't bear another crying heart if I'll take my babe for granted.  In everything that I do, God is with me. So help me God.

There'll be a couple of things that I want to accomplish this year.  Pass this sem, pass NCLEX on the second quarter of the year, favorable results from the Canadian embassy (God-willing I'll be able to go to Canada this year), meet my plural labz in person (*smile*).  I've written those down somewhere.  It could be long forgotten but someone dear to me had told me, just write your ambitions down on a piece of paper and probably keep it somewhere, you might not notice it and it'll be long forgotten but someday you could get to that paper again and see that somehow you are might be making those dreams all along.

Nice thing to ponder. :). I could live to that. 

So whatever will happen to me this 2010. I am really hoping that it'll be for my betterment. :) Things that will keep me smiling no matter how hard will it be to achieve those. 

randomness itch ...

back to reality ...
the busy life that i longed for when i was bum late '09.

and now...
wanna get out of it.

human has no contentment. so definitely, i am human.
the human i am, the more wants i want.
the more wants i want, the busy life i get in order to achieve it.

whats the purpose of dreaming if you don't dream big.
but whats the purpose of dreaming big if you'll not get it.

bit early snooze. will get to talk with hubby when i'll wake up early am.

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