Sunday, January 24, 2010

what if ?

When you're a child, dreaming is the best thing.  I wanna be this, I wanna be that.  When you grow a bit older, your perspective changes, I don't want this, I don't want that.  And when you step in where you are close to the stage of dream come true, you wouldn't notice it and would say, I want this instead.  Did my blah blah made something?? haha....

There are lots of things that I really want.  But definitely or probably, I won't be able to achieve. Lets just say they'll just stay at my subconscious forever and ever.  But it wouldn't hurt if I'll blurt them out. 

I want to be a painter.  ~~ I want to paint when I'm bored, stressed, happy, depress, sleepy, laughing, mad, hysterical ... give me a brush and let my mind drive the imagination I'm seeing mentally.

I want to be a NBI illustrator.
I want to be a graphic artist.  argghh... meet my limit and I'll burst drawing on my wall because of this haha

I want to write. ~~ Speak through my hand of my emotions.  I would opt to write articles, test how my creativity in writing would go. 

I want to learn a different language.  French or Spanish!
I want to teach in preschool for a while.  Test my patience with the angelic brats. :)

I want to drive my own car.  
I want to run a mile. 
I want to own a fascinating house.  
I want to be an executive of my own company.  Call me the boss! lolz. (its nice to dream)
I want to have a trip around the world within a year.
I want to relax my butt out on a white sand beach.  Of course together with my babe :)

I wanna wake up with the kiss of my hubby everyday.
I want to live my life to the fullest.
I want to help someone who truly deserve it.
I want to give scholarships to young children and see the smile in their faces.

I want to drive go-kart in full suit.
I want to dance and join a dance troupe. :)

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