Wednesday, January 20, 2010

opening doors to another opportunity

We had this fieldtrip at Tagaytay Highlands today.  The place was enormous.  I could live there! The facilities and amenities implies a whole city inside.  The environment is conducive for nature enthusiast and your eyes will feast with the superb landscapes.  We were exposed there for the Real Estate management that we are currently enrolled in. I've got some thinking done amidst the eyes-feasting scenery, I want to finish my Business and Operations Management course.  I was also motivated with our speaker, she is a medical doctor and at the same time a licensed real estate broker.  She had the passion with brokerage so she pursued it while still  active in the medical field.  A nice motivation indeed.  My mind ran several thoughts as per how will I continue my studies despite my future plans with my nursing career.  My priority at the moment is my NCLEX exam that I am bound to retake this May or June (I need to!).  So with that, I definitely won't be able to enroll for summer classes for management.  If our papers with the petition in Canada will arrive, I will go to Canada then.  I kept thinking how would I continue it.  I would want to graduate in the same alma mater.  I can compromise not finishing it next year but on the following year.  I had also thought of enrolling online subjects if only DLSU-D has it.  But I'm sure they don't cater it.  Does other DLSU branches has it? Well I really hope so.. And also if I can enroll with them though I'll be in Canada. :D I've thought about enrolling it in Canada, but then I'm sure a lot of my subjects will not be credited and I might start from scratch again.  Well, those were just thoughts.  Future may change :D. Might as well, give options for those change.

Business opportunities may not always come passing ... so grab them while they're nearby. 
They can give you fulfillment later on in life. :D

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