Thursday, September 23, 2010


My heart softens, my mind exempts
Little I let you in again,
I had been a friend in deed -- yet again.

You showed signs of warmth,
showed the feeling of the old us.
Slowly the resistance flew out of sight,
but still there is something not right.
Perhaps, its just both of us changed.

Part of me wants a new start,
part of me says new with 'not with you'.
But unconsciously its still 'with you',
It has always been. 
What should i do? what would i do?
Signs, please lay in front of me.

Caution, my brain shouts!
Just be you, heart consoles,
Am i being uncertain?
I just don't want to run in circles again.

I never knew what to expect tomorrow,
I just dream of my happy ending
Though I know in reality it does not exist
It will never exist,
But hey, let me just dream.

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