Thursday, September 30, 2010

Toxic weekdays, busy schedules, late sleep time, short hours of sleep, have to wake up early, autopilot morning... I'm being stuffed by this.  Good thing it'll be off in two weeks, then another new battle to the outside world begins  -- OJT.  And in the midst of all those, I still get to blog this! haha.

I'm getting impatient with some groupmates on a major subject.  Yeah you have other stuff to work on with but let me remind you, we need a polished and good presentation to get the better grade you guys need.  As for me, I can pass with just the attendance grade this finals.  I blew it on her face but in just a better way, I'm not that mean.

Will assign the hard computation to another member whose not really participating and just presenting himself to do the printing of the paper.  Heller, can I just tell the prof to just print your grade in the paper.  Doing lousy excuses to escape from the workload.  Too bad you really look up to me and I can see that.  But bit by bit you're starting to get on my nerves. You'll know the verdict this friday, I'll send the data for the computation.  Ooohhh I'll wait for a post in the FB newsfeed 'bout it.

So much for this week.  Seen students who are supposed to learn but taking those for granted then regret in the finals that they should have done better in the prelims.  Anyways, its their life to mold not mine, why bother. 

off to a company visit. hope will be a success. keen eyes and ears are needed to see the flaws and make room for improvement.  Quality assurance can sometimes be a burden.

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