Sunday, April 4, 2010

Go on and multiply!

Why do at present there are lots of arising modified Catholic religions.  Yes it is given that there are other sects with totally different belief. There are Buddhism in which Buddha is their form of god, Islam which they raise their hearts to Allah, and and others like Judaism and Taoism where were already present thousand of years ago.  Different beliefs for their own god but in realization people just find their own way of showing belief that a certain god exists in front of them, as their form of hope that they could hold on something as they go on with their every day lives. 

But why do at present there are innumerable modified religion, most especially for the Catholicism in which in general they all still believe God per se exist.  Its just that  they have perceive it in various ways.  The bible is still what they hold in their hands, its just that they read and interpret it differently.  It was prophesied that many false prophets will arise carrying the Lord's name and spreading false beliefs of their existence.  Is this already that?  Actually, most of this modified and diversed forms of Christianity were born because these pioneers had found flaws with the Roman Catholic church's teachings.  They perceived the church then as opportunistic and live the bible's teaching differently.  This originated centuries back and still continuously perceived as that.  Well, every person may have a different perspective on a same object. It doesn't mean that one could be wrong. It will depend on the situation.  What matter really is how God perceives our actions.  Nobody is perfect.  Compromise is just a few steps behind change.  If only the original teaching of the church is open for change and believers are ready to adapt with this.  There will be lesser oppositions and stronger belief for the believers.  People have become detailed with every aspects of the Christian teachings. If they see some flaws they will see it as against God.  Some do react violently and publicly expressing pessimistic views.  With this, they just promote hatred for each other. 

One purpose God asks for us is to go on and multiply.  This really  could not literally mean to conceive more but to save a soul,  spare a life and bring back to Christianity.  Teach others about their purpose of existence and at least save another soul during their lifetime. Simple but complex.  

I've learned this through these recent years and from some people that touched my soul with warmth. Thank you for all those fruitful encounters.


my two cents for the week. Happy Easter. :)

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