Thursday, May 13, 2010

Business to trap

this was supposed to be for may 10 night of election.

Later today, me and my Kutsie went to 711 and Ministop (supposed to be C2 hoarding for its cheap price today due to election day, but then it is then just 1 bottle per voter unfortunately I did not vote so we only got 2, 1 from 711 then 1 from ministop.lolz).  It was soooo hot here in Pinas, I wish there is an air cooler fan following me everywhere. arrgghh.

With the state both of us are having, we are supposed to be capable of being independent but with the ways we chose, we are again students and a bit broke, capable of only our humble student meals.  We had a small business in mind to  start.  It is a franchise of KerriMo, a snackbar catering a drink and snack of potato fries or cheese balls and the like, in just one handy paper cup container, fit for people on the go. My sister had consulted it with our mom, who is miles away from us, unfortunately she strongly opposed with this stating who will be the trusted people to be hired for this and will be just a waste of money.  Haist.  Hard to be rejected.  I told my sister that we should form a good business proposal for this, and if my mom will still not be convinced with this, we could offer it to other close person who could support us with this :) I hope AJ will. :)  haha sound desperate to earn something.  I just don't want and need to be bound now to a job that will require a constant place and time.  First, I still have school, and second is I want a flexible time for work. 

My sis kidded that by the next time my baby Dulce heats, we should have her stud again.  I pity my dog, yes she is okay with being preggy but her boobs sags like she needs around 4 supported bras for that hahahaha.  Raising quality pups brings home some bacon but that is just seasonal.

Could someone suggest other business options please :).

written while offline.  Connection sucks at night. 

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