Thursday, May 27, 2010

You cannot have it all -- at the same time

I am just having my true break now.  After all those grueling weeks of review and sort of gaining lack of confidence for the exam.

I missed bumming around. But this will be just for around two weeks from now.  Then I'll be back on real life.  Back to mixing the ingredients for my whole life pastry. :)

I just confirmed an old phrase.
You cannot really have all things in your hand.
But I am more looking for to this,
You can have it all, but just not on the same time.

When you're busy on one important thing, be aware.  You might regret taking another thing for granted.  I just did.  I don't know how to patch that up but whichever result will it gain, life must go on for me and eventually that chapter will close to open a new one.  I hope that the next will last longer -- if not longest.

I got my license but I lost my special someone.
Beats me.

OT: taking the next step, again. but this is sure this time :) -- visascreen wootwoot.

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