Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dangerous mind

I just finished the 4 seasons of L word which is a bad thing because I should be minding my review for another stuff rather.  I soo missed Shane! :) As I have watched it again, well atleast now I have watched it fully and not just glimpse by glimpse of the story, I started to vision myself pursuing writing. :) There again is Jenny, the angelic face and innocently looking girl everyone could fall for.  She has this Irish pale face and big black peeping eyes topped with matching full bangs that was traitored with the character she portrayed in the story.  Ampt with a strong-willed attitude but view everything in an odd and out of the normal way one would normally think in a certain situation.  She thinks that creativity is what she does but actually it is what she lacks and she carries this close mindedness thinking that everyone trying to correct her thoughts are f*cked up and defined as a threat.  I really enjoyed her character.  She viewed life as a journey in search of who you really are.  That one does not really know who they really are and they go on with life to continuesly search for their essence and tries to fit in bit by bit. I throw my coins to this. 

Her way of thinking undesiringly fits those who can make ordinary stuff extraordinary.  In reality, her character can be verged in a situation whether to side with the good: the people who made lived their lives impossbile, unsurprisingly hard but made a difference; or to this other side where she could pose a threat to everybody due to how she defyingly perceive things.  You wouldn't know what runs into her mind, she see things in a totally different perspective.

In line with her, I on the other hand would want to do some writing.  Probably not now and probably not a fiction one. Although not making it a profession, but a passion by heart.  It again got me thinking.  Am I really who I am with what I am currently pursuing at present.  Surely, with the recent events that came up I partially modified and changed my future plans. The dreams widened in array, I am looking my life in a slightly different perspective. 


I am not good at anything.  Well probably, I do bit with drawing.  But that could be boring for the others.  Now, I sensed I could write, which is another boring thing for others.  I am just now realizing how boring I am -- I excel with math too.  Spell my name and its spelled B-O-R-I-N-G.  I should do more of not-the-ordinary-for-me stuffs.  I had added it in my wishlist, I want to do go kart, better yet (or worse?) be on a drag race!  One impossible thing at this moment.  I just haven't come out with my safe shell.  And when I do, drag race would be on my number one list of to do's.  I will be well practiced with my reckless driving then :) (my sister often tells me I am one, although I don't really drive).

ZZZZZzzzz ....

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