Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cruel intentions

As i want you out of my life.
I would not be able to do that if there are still pieces of you with me.
Letting you go might have been difficult.
I made a reflection to free the clutter, and then realized one thing.

Little by little I'm starting, throwing away whats unnecessary.
I will keep it in a tiny little box and name it not to open forever.
I just started to realize, this little pieces of you makes me hard, making us inseparable in my own petty way.

Now i have known, now i have began.
Little by little you are nowhere,
little by little you'll be unknown,
little by little the day is seen.

Why did i ever said yes to that opportunity,
when it will make a thing in me buried consciously. 
This is with me now, lets face it professionally.

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