Tuesday, July 27, 2010


As pres Aquino was making his SONA this monday, we were on class. (yeah he didn't suspend classes for his SoNA) In our accounting class, our professor Dra. Aquino kidded that she would also make her sona to start the class. Little we know that it would be her last talk to us. She told us that she is transferring us to a new professor due to I think some lessening of burden of load. She is actually the dean of the Accounting department (so much for her young appearance), handling graduate subjects and might even some doctorate. Pretty busy person. She enlighten us that the new one was her mentor and way better than she is. I was kinda sadden there, I would really miss seeing her. Her smile, her jokes, the way she talks, her diction and twang :) her cute gestures. :) I really have a crush on her. (just a crush :) aww she makes me smile) Even for the unwanted hour of the schedule, I am eager to go to class and learn alot (I'm sitting in front face to face with her haha). I am actully making her an inspiration. :) The subject is supposed to be a difficult one but she made it easy although were kinda getting late with the topics. She seems enjoying the teaching and like playing her diction.

Then there off she goes. Bye Dra. Aquino. I'll really miss you teaching in front with your twang. :) The presidential surnames were ommitted. Got an Arroy classmate in another subject (he is their pres too, wonder if his term would end this year haha), an Obana (or Ubana?lol) from the same class, surname sounds like pres Obama of US 

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