Tuesday, August 10, 2010

goodnews and badnews to my birthday

its going to be my birthday after two days. -- and i feel down, sad, empty. what else??

I woke up with a couple of text messages, two from my mom telling me about my petition in Canada and for me to go online. Well, I did. And there, it struck me the BAD news.

I got denied for the petition. They were asking stuff like what I did for the last 08 and 09. But i already stated it in details on the form that they sent me. I am so down with this. I really do want to go there, although it had me thinking for sometime. Do i really want to be in there? I'll be again stuck with my family. In which, I am starting to want to be more independent. I am on my early adulthood right now. I need to stand on my two feet without them accompanying me.  Although I will definitely be kinda homesick again (i cry when i miss everyone who used to be in our house when i was younger).
Another form of rejection. Haist.

As me and my mom are talking about it.  I checked my email and viola! CGFNS sent me a message confirming my address details.  Got my visascreen! wootwoot. It is not actually yet the final verdict but next will be the final result. :) This is the GOOD news. I have waited and hoped for this for around two months already.  Previously, because my Illinois license took time to be accomplished and now cgfns have received it :) weeee

And both of these came nearly just minutes apart. What would i suppose to feel?? i still feel empty i guess.

Got no one to share it with. 

I am hoping someone or something will utterly make me smile this week. Not just a short simple smile, but that thing that will dig down to my unfilled heart.  God, make me feel that. :) I know everything will fill the right places in the right time, but I hope this will be the right time.

Got no plans for my birthday. If i could just make it pass by just like an ordinary day. I personally would want to do something different this day. But what is it? Hope someone will make me smile on this day.  I know someone who will, but i don't think she is suppose or will do.  Not even worth it.

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