Monday, August 30, 2010

Goodbye :)

Saying goodbye isn't always a devastating one.  It may mean ending what you have been accustomed of.  Cutting the connection you don't want to let go.  It was never so easy for me, but this time I have brought down my decision.  I am firm with this.  Saying goodbye that would mean for good.  This saying goodbye is a good one. 

Let's just say I have seen the other perspective that although you have held one of the biggest space in my heart, I have awaken from that dream where it will still always be you and me.  Reality bit me hard, and slapped me with its big aching hand.  But then I also realized that I should do something and move forward.  Because if I don't, it will just keep going on a cycle, we will be together then tomorrow not.  I realized I grew tired of it.  There is small trivial pain clinging to those unhappy and unrelenting moments and eventually its growing to a big pile of hatred and bitterness.  It is starting to let out and I am not liking it.  I have said this to you and yes obviously you did not liked it, it hit your ego but I just showed you the reality the way I see it.

Saying goodbye means real goodbye.  I did cut connections, complicated at first but I'm sure soon it will be like we haven't met each other. It will be for the best -- especially for me. 

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