Tuesday, July 27, 2010


As pres Aquino was making his SONA this monday, we were on class. (yeah he didn't suspend classes for his SoNA) In our accounting class, our professor Dra. Aquino kidded that she would also make her sona to start the class. Little we know that it would be her last talk to us. She told us that she is transferring us to a new professor due to I think some lessening of burden of load. She is actually the dean of the Accounting department (so much for her young appearance), handling graduate subjects and might even some doctorate. Pretty busy person. She enlighten us that the new one was her mentor and way better than she is. I was kinda sadden there, I would really miss seeing her. Her smile, her jokes, the way she talks, her diction and twang :) her cute gestures. :) I really have a crush on her. (just a crush :) aww she makes me smile) Even for the unwanted hour of the schedule, I am eager to go to class and learn alot (I'm sitting in front face to face with her haha). I am actully making her an inspiration. :) The subject is supposed to be a difficult one but she made it easy although were kinda getting late with the topics. She seems enjoying the teaching and like playing her diction.

Then there off she goes. Bye Dra. Aquino. I'll really miss you teaching in front with your twang. :) The presidential surnames were ommitted. Got an Arroy classmate in another subject (he is their pres too, wonder if his term would end this year haha), an Obana (or Ubana?lol) from the same class, surname sounds like pres Obama of US 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Losing tracks

I am losing it. Pfft. I'm losing the people around me. Or maybe I just picked the wrong trail to follow. I should have stayed with the previous one. I missed my old friends, my DL friends, and one guy friend who were always there for me til that shit happened. I would want to share it to my bes (or is she) but then naah just drop it. She wouldn't care.

Friday, July 16, 2010

My baby Dulce

just wanted to post you my baby :) thank you for the years you've been with me. You are a brat yet so smart haha!.

Medical bill course hunting now begins

I am surfing the net for online Medical Billing course, one which I will need when I worked in the US especially in my Aunt's home health business. Whew, there are lots of it actually.  Good thing I saw some site telling how would a legal and good med billing school should be.  The terms looked factual for me :).  Kept in notes their suggestions as I was googling for online schools.  Found very few and had few queries via email.  It would normally cost me around $600 or around Php 30,000 for the course.  A bit expensive. I just hope it will be worth it.  My aunt previously described to me in details how the work of medical biller is and I found it quite something that I'll like :) one of the reason I am eager to pursue it :)
preparing and mixing ingredients in life :))
happy ... just hope its worth the sacrifices.
i am continuously seeking for who i really am. :)

Traffic Light

A very inspiring clip.  I'm trying to manage to get to the yellow light. Actually started my realization for it earlier this day.  I will keep this video.  It wouldn't hurt if I take a glimpse of it with every time the world is turning its back on me. 

i heard the lizards making their sounds for this past few nights.  Loud and clear.  Could mean a blessing coming.  Just saw my license for Illinois earlier this eve.  But I just heard another lizard just now.  Weee what could it be.  I am hoping what I have been hoping before. Hope this will be it. :)) puhleeaase.. tia haha!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Proud to say got my license for being an Illinois nurse. :)
Moving on to the next step! Completion of Visascreen.
Finally and hopefully, this will be for real.  I will be petitioned for US for the 2nd time as a nurse.
Keeping my hopes up.
My plan for my life is taking big steps at a time, though the time frame had been a bit different than was expected.  Still, happy these are being now accomplished! :)

Thank you God. I am counting the blessings you give me everyday, mostly the little ones. :)

Because with those I appreciate my life more :)

thinking when will i be able to fill up my R group sales.  Patience is indeed a virtue.
It is not about the profit, but how you relate for the people involve :)

Cruel intentions

As i want you out of my life.
I would not be able to do that if there are still pieces of you with me.
Letting you go might have been difficult.
I made a reflection to free the clutter, and then realized one thing.

Little by little I'm starting, throwing away whats unnecessary.
I will keep it in a tiny little box and name it not to open forever.
I just started to realize, this little pieces of you makes me hard, making us inseparable in my own petty way.

Now i have known, now i have began.
Little by little you are nowhere,
little by little you'll be unknown,
little by little the day is seen.

Why did i ever said yes to that opportunity,
when it will make a thing in me buried consciously. 
This is with me now, lets face it professionally.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


this is for you plural :)

just wanna say thank you.
for still keeping in touch,
for still talking to me,
for still being a friend,
for telling me you really appreciate all the small things i did for you,
for appreciating all the advises i gave and suggested to you,
for being thankful and noticing that i am boosting your confidence when all you see is you're down :)

thank you for still reading my blog :)
maybe you're the only one whose ever reading this. my crappy little lair :)

can i say i missed you uber :) i missed how the way we made kulitan.
thank you for believing in me eventhough sometimes i might not believe in myself hehe

keep in touch

hope you post a comment here, so i'll know u've read this.

hoping for a good right group sales nextweek

Monday, July 5, 2010

really pays off to be online on FB sometimes, you got to talk to me :) haha!
i really want to invite you in my biz thingy but i'm afraid you will reject me... it might hurt if it will be coming from you.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

lines with crush:

ME: A*** still online? got a favor to ask :)
      pa-like naman photo ng pmangkin ko sa moose gear. pa-like muna pala 
      ng moose gear page para malike mo the photo itself. :) ........

A***:  waw! pwde bakong sumali? haha!

ME: hahaha ... bsta ba naka moose gear ka eh haha! papromote nmn sa                wall mo :)
     pag sali ka ila-like din kita haha. :)




haha takte parang high school lng. if only its cool to tell u :) 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

If I see La Magra on a wall, will it happen just like I want it?
Smile for something you have a vision with.

Even if it's killing you inside bit by bit.

You might not know, it can also change you bit by bit.  Just be sure its on the better side.

got rejected from something this day.  you really won't know the real feeling unless you're there feeling it.
Oh, crush you made my day. Posting a so natural pose while on traffic :). If only I could tell you I like you. It would make my smile visible for hours! (or days?) Hope you keep that primary pic for days :) Really made my day, I am so down just before now :)

clue:  starts with A. :) and its hopeless.

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