Sunday, October 24, 2010

I was scanning her facebook friends looking for someone when one unknown person caught my eye and curve on my lips.  I really wanted to post some pictures of that person that made me into big smiles haha landi! but nope, cannot.  Scanned her pics.  I would love to add her up but then I don't want to, I can't.  lol. ironic. Instead, I opened my aging account in DL, well haven't opened it for a while and was thinking for deleting it before.  I'll try my luck to search for her on it.  Although I'm not sure how would I find her, she would definitely use some nick.  I did tried my luck with the name she used in FB and guess I'm pretty lucky with it haha.  Her primi pic was the same as her pic in FB.  I can add her up here :) haha pretentious me, just wanted to have some connections probably for future references, me and my detective mind.  It's not that I'll do something about it.  
I then realized, scanning her albums.  She looked like her.  ohh please she would tease me with this ... again. Its random, I just noticed.  Made my night.  Really. 

Just made my mind off to a foreseeable problem I'm into.  Was just informed week before I might have inherited a family disease.  I hope not, though signs are visible ~~ previously made fun by some people due to it being different.  I hate taking medicines, especially those yucky tasting ones.  Ironically, it will be part of the solution to this problem. 

starve to death

Night is starting and its definitely time for dinner.  Am home alone.  Got only rice as cooked food.  No viand yet.  I feel helpless.  I can't think of what to cook, nor how to do those.  Scanned the ref for the ingredients, then ohhh I dunno how to do it.  Just thinking I'll fry chicken makes me wanting to skip dinner.  Maybe I'll have cereals or better yet, oatmeal.

And I've just received that ate Lisa will be here in more than an hour, hopeful :)  But then wouldn't be embarrassing knowing that I've waited for her to have my dinner.  :(  why didn't I really liked cooking.  I really don't. In fact I hate it!  I hate it I'm being lousy at it.  LET ME DO ANYTHING EXCEPT ... COOKING!

Well I did cooked adobo.  There's one thing I didn't do.  Taste it before letting off fire.  Good thing it passed with my taste buds.  haha.

can i just say i'm excited toward the end of this month.  someone asked me out. :) well a friend asked me to go to the movies.  i'm looking forward to it. hope it won't be broken. >.<

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A house lizard made some sound noise last night.  What would it be? Excited with a blessing that would come.

Some mails arrived today.  One supposed to be interesting mail was the mail from US embassy stating the approval of the petition for my dad by her sister.  Me and my sister are also included.  It would only take few months then we'll be out here. 

Unfortunately, it wouldn't happen.  My dad passed away years ago.  Since he is the primary applicant and us as his dependents, it would automatically be rejected.  Sad.  This might be what my dream few days ago meant. 

It was a long dream and a heavy one.  There was a story though I barely remembered.  It was like a gloomy event, there was a commotion then there was a fire.  There was something blurry here, I don't understand or I might clearly remember what the situation had been.  Papa was there but he somehow I know he already died.  Weird thing is, his death there had been connected with the fire.  Or might be because there are things not clear to me then with that situation.  Still, the feeling was gloomy and depressing.  I woke up crying -- hard. Missed him so much.  Haven't told anyone.  It's been a long time since I dreamt of him. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bum's life, that is just for a while, had always been so good.  After a stressful week, nothing pays more than bit being followed by relaxing days.  Except for those boring plus idle moments.  Literally the whole day, being online playing Aika with random parties for a while then with Kutsie and her bandmates.  Really made my day, though I did just spent the time at home.  Can't go out. >.< 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mariiaaaaa... Ave Mariaaa.

i like the song ... i love the movie!

seen this before, wanna watch it again. gonna dl it after i finish the glitch in my lappie.

200 pounds beauty.

help me find the answer, to solve my problem.
help me find the solution, even if its just an alternative.
help me find what i need, even if its not i previously want.

hope i could find what should i do with my ojt, conflict subjects and not offered subjects.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Love The Way You Lie (Joseph Vincent) (Eminem ft. Rihanna) Cover

I like Steph, the girl who covers this. Hope she'll be famous soon enough! :) This is so relaxing and  ... depressing.  Although I don't personally like the message the song conveys.  So martir!  Been there, done that.  I can say its not healthy, things just pile up and you won't like to what it could grown to.
Anyhow, hope I could find this :

"somewhere between heartaches and waiting, comes the chance to be found by someone who can show you that you don't have to be just an option and reliever, but the choice."

Times comes for everything.  I just have to wait for that time.  And if that didn't come, I hope the better alternative will be an option and it will be any time soon.  

I feel I am getting old, well maybe matured.  I wanted to start everything I wanted ~~ career, life, love.  I wanna build my existence in this world, give my contribution and not just on the stage of preparing it all.  

off: I wanna settle down, have a career, and be with someone at my side whatever I'm in to.  Someone I could talk with everything inside me.  Someone who will dearly listen to me consistently and just for times of boredom.  Someone who will love me as me.

Had been hell of a week that passed and I am utterly happy that its ending. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm starting to breathe smoothly now. :) the week is nearly over, the tight schedule is nearly exiting. The last toxic night was last night (just hope so), I slept around 4 in the morning for a final requirement and had to wake up early to continue it.  Sakit sa ulo nun! But thank you Lord its done. :) I was supposed to study for the two math exams, Taxation then Accounting.  But failed to do it because of Quantitative Technique requirement. :( I just hope I did good at Taxation exam, badly needed the damn grade.  

my night's quiet. the friendly boy suitor still persists on communication.  I am still not open with it.  I might really got offended with what he commented. urgh. Hope to talk to someone, I'm getting empty.

Monday, October 11, 2010

ooohhh i lost the supposed to be me under the umbrella picture.  :( gone. anyways, there'll be more. sooon. :)

i'm up mid early morning.  supposed can have more sleep 'cause doesn't have classes nor exams today.  but i opt to get up to send my resume to some prospect company for my OJT this coming semester. I'm in limbo if I'll continue and be excited for the multinational companies and good exposure I'll be getting, or I'll move to another way with a smaller company with lesser expectations.  For the former, they may expect more of me and will be of more stressful environment.  The latter, may have lax surrounding and lesser experience.  I've had my second thoughts, but still the first should go first :). Go straight forward and hey just bring it on! I'm here for experience and not just to finish some damn requirements.  One thing I'm looking forward with this internship is the addition of new door of opportunity that may open again and be added to the options I'm currently having.  Plan A of my life has been put to this tight competition that I my self initiated. 

A good thing? I hope so.

I wish, I wish for Deutsche Bank, Lufthansa German Airlines, Continental Temic or even Philippine Airlines to let me join their team even just for a while, be good to me and provide me a meaningful and fruitful experience with this internship.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We've survived ... cool!

Hell weeks passing by and we've survived it.  Sleepless nights, clashing minds, running out of time, impossible professors, and unnerving members of the group.  We're getting off it.  It'll be over tomorrow. :)

Every hard work done did really paid off.  The defense presentation that were done were commented of excellence.  Got exempted for Finals on Labor Relations, and prided with excellence on the paper for Productivity and Quality Tools. We're the only group that the professor commented that will definitely get the highest grade plus no revisions. :) He even asked me to send him a copy of our presentation.  It would be a good one for filing.  We will all definitely pass that subject.  It was a matter of pass or fail for my other members, if the requirement is bad, some will definitely see our professor again -- next sem.  Good thing our efforts was seen and did really payed off. I am so happy. :) The other members can have a higher assurance of passing and I can pass with flying colors on that subject.

 We are just waiting for the other presentation on one subject.  It was supposed to be due today, but my looked up professor snapped for believing we have stood her class this morning.  It was understandable for she's having the feeling that most of the class were prioritizing their other subjects.  But could she be a little bit more reasonable, we are having a hell time due to the newly implemented ELGA where there are specific final requirements for every subjects we are taking.  It was very tiring and not friendly on our pocket.  She snapped previously to us that we'll get a zero on finals.  Kinda ironic because we were calculating if we will pass if we did got zero on that paper -- its 70% of our finals grade :(.  We may pass but will reflect an undeserved grade on our records.  Well she did gave us another chance for presenting our final requirement, -- tomorrow at 7am SHARP. No late or else. No thinking twice for this.  We should be prepared! I'll sleep super early tonight.  To regain those sleepless nights and to wake up so early tomorrow.

can't hide my happiness :) i'm making it high. thank you my professor for telling me it'll be on my hands whether y other group members will pass or fail because i really did put all efforts on it and it paid off!!!

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