Sunday, October 24, 2010

I was scanning her facebook friends looking for someone when one unknown person caught my eye and curve on my lips.  I really wanted to post some pictures of that person that made me into big smiles haha landi! but nope, cannot.  Scanned her pics.  I would love to add her up but then I don't want to, I can't.  lol. ironic. Instead, I opened my aging account in DL, well haven't opened it for a while and was thinking for deleting it before.  I'll try my luck to search for her on it.  Although I'm not sure how would I find her, she would definitely use some nick.  I did tried my luck with the name she used in FB and guess I'm pretty lucky with it haha.  Her primi pic was the same as her pic in FB.  I can add her up here :) haha pretentious me, just wanted to have some connections probably for future references, me and my detective mind.  It's not that I'll do something about it.  
I then realized, scanning her albums.  She looked like her.  ohh please she would tease me with this ... again. Its random, I just noticed.  Made my night.  Really. 

Just made my mind off to a foreseeable problem I'm into.  Was just informed week before I might have inherited a family disease.  I hope not, though signs are visible ~~ previously made fun by some people due to it being different.  I hate taking medicines, especially those yucky tasting ones.  Ironically, it will be part of the solution to this problem. 

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