Monday, October 11, 2010

ooohhh i lost the supposed to be me under the umbrella picture.  :( gone. anyways, there'll be more. sooon. :)

i'm up mid early morning.  supposed can have more sleep 'cause doesn't have classes nor exams today.  but i opt to get up to send my resume to some prospect company for my OJT this coming semester. I'm in limbo if I'll continue and be excited for the multinational companies and good exposure I'll be getting, or I'll move to another way with a smaller company with lesser expectations.  For the former, they may expect more of me and will be of more stressful environment.  The latter, may have lax surrounding and lesser experience.  I've had my second thoughts, but still the first should go first :). Go straight forward and hey just bring it on! I'm here for experience and not just to finish some damn requirements.  One thing I'm looking forward with this internship is the addition of new door of opportunity that may open again and be added to the options I'm currently having.  Plan A of my life has been put to this tight competition that I my self initiated. 

A good thing? I hope so.

I wish, I wish for Deutsche Bank, Lufthansa German Airlines, Continental Temic or even Philippine Airlines to let me join their team even just for a while, be good to me and provide me a meaningful and fruitful experience with this internship.

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