Thursday, February 4, 2010

Summer's advocate

I've just finished watching 500 days of summer. I've managed to watch it between tight schedules.

This is not a love story...but a story about love.

I heart summer ... The devilish nasty girl she was for Tom, but the eye opener she had really been. If it weren't for Summer, Tom would still be stuck in his old dull life doing things he doesn't really like and not risk his chance for the thing he is really into ~~ like architectural stuff. Doing things we aren't sure of is like risking our comfort zone for happiness. No one said it is easy but no one also said you shouldn't try it. Risk for the things that would make you happy and contented. Nothing will be hard if you like what you're doing.

Summer had been the sweet little girl but with some attitude. For everyone, she is a girl used to do her own way not minding the people around her. She can sometimes be irrational with her perspective living independent is way better than mingling in a crowd and that love is just a nonsense emotion that would only hurt people (not looking on the other perspective that it could also mean life for others). She does things that interests her. She doesn't want to be stuck on a thing for a long time and wouldn't fulfill her dreams~~ that is boring for her. She really wants to live her life to the fullest. This is very contradicting with the personality of Tom, who had been very dependent on the things that would make him stable. He doesn't dare to risk pursuing architecture because he makes a living making greeting card quotes already. For him, loving is a fantasy that needs to be fulfilled. Every thing comes in line with fate.

Spark of chemistry came for Tom and Summer. Or is it just for Tom, and for Summer it had been a worth-knowing moments. Summer was so witty not committing to Tom before she is sure of Tom would be the one for her and Tom hadn't been, so she placed a period on it and left Tom hanging in his fantasies. It did hurt Tom so much. But is this, with this, that Summer should be the antagonist of the story, when she did is to make Tom realize so much things. That after their relationship, Tom really became a better person.

And as for Summer, she was very picky and observant for the things she dislike but atleast she did get the best .. *wink*. Or I hope so, 'cause the movie didn't told any much of it.
The movie exemplified that there can be really no fantasy and fate, and everything will be just coincidence. It could be. As fate is defined as the will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are or events to happen as they do, and coincidence as the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection. They just differ that coincidence is by accident and fate is not. But what if these accidents were just not really accidents. What if it was your fate like you've been late for 10 minutes and missed the plane that crashed during that flight. Accidents or not, all events happen for a reason. That could be justifiable when it happens and changed something in you. This could employ ending of a chapter in your life. Moreover to a life your are used to and won't want to change. You could be left in the middle of the situation and all you just want is to sit alone and reminisce how life had been. But if it weren't for worse endings, there won't be hopes for new beginnings.

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