Saturday, February 13, 2010


      Leaving her place a bit late than usual for something she needed to attend to.  Now on her frequent routine - the public transport ride.  She went in, looking for a seat to take, and chose one of the two seater beside a fairly nice lady, of few years older than she is.  She noticed the different aura of that lady, while glancing at her stuff.  She smelled it.  And she was sure of it.

      The ride continued, heavy than usual traffic met them.  Reading her notes in order to eliminate boredom, while her seatmate snoozing like haven't had a good sleep from last night.  Nearly half of the way, the girl beside her asked for their location.  She answered.  Minutes later, the seatmate asked again.  How much long will it take to my destination?  She answered like an hour more.  Her seatmate was surprised.  That long??  Well it was a bit traffic and yes its still a long way.  The seatmate then initiated a conversation.  She was still kinda aloof.  Not sure if she should engage with conversing to a complete stranger.  She was told that her seatmate is supposed to go to Windy City this weekend.  Coincidence, she will to go to that place in the near future.  Conversation moved to what have they been doing with their lives. The seatmate also brought up something about the stranger's sister in Ontario, which will be her first destination before moving up to Windy City or the Chi City.  Delighted with the similarities, she told the stranger about it in which the stranger exclaimed oh you should get my number!  She was astounded because deep in her mind, she was interested too in getting that number.  The number was said duly enough just as she was about to go out of that ride.  Both girls then continued their daily lives.
      Attraction?  Well she is ... attracted.  But attraction is just merely around with everybody.  Will they become friends? A total stranger from her usual daily routine.  It saved her from empty memory lined with that ride.  She is hopeful she will gain a new friend for keeps or will this engage into something more.  Is it merely a coincidence or a destiny between these souls.

This is my number ... and it's Lee.

Hi I am Elle, be safe going to your place. :) It was nice meeting you in an odd place.

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